Terra Sigillata is a very fine particle clay dissolved in water. This is often applied to pots, and burnished to give a them a beautiful shine even when no glaze is used.

In this video I will show you how I create my own Terra Sigillata, color it and apply it to my pots.
i love your videos, i am just learning, so i am a sponge gathering info. how can we see the finished pots with the terra sig? thank you so much, i so much enjoy your videos and always learn a lot! i will be doing my very first barrel fire soon
jeg bor i østervrå , nordjylland , og har set din video om saggar branding , my spørgesmål er hvor kan jeg købe jern cloride og sodium silicat ? jeg kan ikke finde nogen her som har det. jeg vil også gerne sige jeg har set flere af din videeos og syntes de er virkelig fint og at du holder tin meget enkelt tak mvh colin
Thank you Mikkel for sharing your knowledge
One of the most practical and informative video on the subject I have seen.
Happy Days
Thank you Mikkel for sharing your knowledge
One of the most practical and informative video on the subject I have seen.
Happy Days